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  • Writer's pictureJane Eva


Technology is developing at an alarmingly fast pace. Failure to adapt to new changes in marketing and technology can result in growth lag, getting left behind, and failing in the business. Digital Marketing is the new face of Retail and Marketing. Digital Marketing or Online Marketing, has become an essential part of business development plans for all businesses and organizations.

Digital Marketing involves promoting the Brand through advanced online strategies like:

 Content Marketing

 Visual Appeal

 Visually attractive Media material

 Email Marketing

 Blogging

 Google Analytics

 Backlinks and Re-directs

 Social Media Advertisement

 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

 Email Marketing

 Pay Per Click (PPC)

 Webinars

 Online Advertising

 Affiliate Marketing

These strategies help to expand businesses and increase vertical growth and development since they can:

 Improve marketing effectiveness

 Increase return on investment (ROI)

 Enhance customer interaction

 Ensure updated and authentic content

Efficient Digital Marketing strategies guarantee that your Business has transparency, credibility, new governance, improved guidelines and processes, and reliability.


The inability to keep up with the dynamic online market can cause businesses to lose out on important customers, essential collaborations, and failure to provide immediate services which ultimately lead to loss of income and revenue and lead to heavy losses. This is because:

 Companies are unable to provide a reasonable return on investment (ROI)

 They are incurring additional costs by failing to meet the demand with a constant supply

 They are unable to efficiently meet the expectations of customers

 Conventional solutions are overshadowed by modern updated strategies

 Customers are unsatisfied by what is provided to them

 Extensive processes are followed instead of smart and quick plans

 Service providers cannot keep up with the current market demands

 Service providers find it difficult to retain and build deeper relationships with existing customers

 There is no analytical measure to monitor if company goals and objectives are reaching the masses

 Competitors with updated tools and strategies are able to attract potential customers

 Individual management is resource and time exhausting. Lack of integrated partnerships results in loss of customers

 Insufficient resources and less-skilled workers affect company performance

 Lack of new approaches leads to monotony and customer boredom

 Loss of customers lead to a decrease in sales

 Less optimized websites for search marketing and customer experience

 Not getting updated with the latest online trends – the use of slow, lagging, and expensive systems

Being unable to keep up with the latest online trends can lead to the use of cheap resources, inefficient technology, poor work performance, and ultimately loss in revenue and profits. However, this is the best motive to create a digital strategy and transform marketing techniques to enhance the business and Brand image.


The Digital Revolution or “Digitalization” has brought an accelerated change to Digital Marketing. Online technology has been applied and integrated into our daily lives both personally and professionally. In our personal life, digital transformation has brought a positive change through digital fitness tracking, virtual communication and relationships, social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and cybersecurity. On the professional front, digital transformation has helped to enhance client websites, conduct an organic business search, promote digital advertisements, gain more website traffic and customers, and increase Brand outreach.

The Digital Revolution has made the future of online digital marketing promising. It is also affordable, reliable, highly effective, cost-effective, global, highly optimized, fast, responsive, engaging, and MOST IMPORTANTLY profitable.

Digital Marketing tactics continue to adapt and evolve with advances made in Technology. Digital Marketers should be aware of these dynamic changes and take immediate action so that they are not left behind in the race to technological advancement. It is necessary to implement new technologies, form new strategies, and adopt new functional methods to solve the challenges of the high-paced digital world. New processes, coordination, and governance are the immediate requirements.

Continue to read to know how your Business can flourish through Digital Marketing.


There are many online tools and strategies available to transform digital platforms into portals of quality business. Some of the ways to help your Business succeed through Digital Marketing are:

 Informative and original Content – to attract customers and increase website views

 Attractive and appealing Graphics and Visuals – to increase curiosity and interest of customers

 Efficient use of Online Search – to enable quick and immediate searches

 Social Media and Email Marketing – helps to ensure online presence and popularity

 Website Personalization – presents originality and increases credibility

 Designing simple and unique content for Organic Searches – it is cost-effective and efficient

 Target potential Customers – to strengthen interaction and relationships and also to increase communication, trust, and interactive business

 Strengthen Networking through email IDs and social media profiles – for efficient communication and lasting relationships

 Online traffic and leads – gains more customers, it is less expensive, has transparent costs, and ensures MORE profit

 SMART Goals – Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound

 Enhanced Visibility – through search engine results

 Business Credibility and Reliability – ensure customer trust and loyalty

 Monitor Trends to escape Competition – through Google Trends businesses can understand the latest trends and use this to draw customers away from competitors

 Case Studies and Feedback – tested and actual results help to prove the authenticity and reliability of your Business

 Surveys – it is important to consider the feedback and reviews of customers by knowing their like, dislikes, and suggestions. This helps to increase communication and re-shape online content for the target audience

 Quick Delivery – a business that provides instant fulfilment and satisfaction to customers is one that will flourish because the customer is always King

 Mobile and Web Optimization – a flexible business is important because it is accessible across many interfaces and platforms. This is an IMPORTANT feature of online businesses

 Introducing Guidelines and Regulations – this is important to ensure that online information is used in the right way by customers and business owners. It has regulations related to data sharing and management and maintains definite standardization

 Metrics and Measurement – to monitor, track, and manage the effectiveness of business strategies by measuring customer behaviour, retention, interest, and online trends through tools like Google Analytics

 Global Exposure – online businesses have the advantage of international outreach. This helps to increase the number of customers and significantly boost revenue

 Customizable Plans – Digital Marketing has made it simple to personalize content and visuals according to individual specifics without additional charges and expenses

 New Marketing Algorithms – it is important to ensure a continuously changing strategy to be updated with the latest trends in marketing. This also helps to get ahead of the competition

 Online Communities and Forums – help to increase interpersonal communication, feedback exchange, Brand awareness, and business promotion

 Cloud Database – this promotes the use of modern technology to enhance the customer experience. Technology is fast, flexible, less risky, and capable of quick solutions. The use of Customer Databases, Big Data, Data Analytics, Mobile Apps, Information Security, Intelligent Process Automation, and Cloud Computing

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – to manage the company's interaction with current and future customers. This helps to treat every customer as a unique individual and provide customized services through their product search history, online interaction, and enquiries

 24x7 Accessibility – to ensure that customers get what they require WHENEVER they need even during the weekend.


Until today, Digital Marketing has been progressing rapidly and dynamically. This expansion is expected to jump in magnitude in the near future. The rapid adoption of digital strategies has created multiple doors of opportunity for the future.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) – algorithms and software that can monitor and predict the latest trends so that your business can stay ahead of the competition

 Machine Learning – digital systems will be able to learn from data, identify patterns, predict future action, and make decisions with less human intervention

 Automation – for simple data access, management, and control

 Merger and Acquisition – to adopt and include various departments and specializations into one partnership so that the business can develop and grow

 Public Cloud Adoption – so that information is easily accessible 24x7 from any location across the world

 Digital Operating Models – to be present in all departments of the business to ensure complete digitalization, easy access, customer satisfaction, and increase in business and revenue

 Data Storage – the storage of data in different specialized compartments like mobile data, voice data, sensor data, visual data, discrete data, offline data, and online data for simple and organised data management

 Tailor-made Content – personalization will become integral to ensure that the core objective of the business is highlighted to increase awareness and product knowledge

 Data Analytics – to constantly monitor and track customer views, online clicks, shares, bounces, and likes so that information can be shared with the targeted audience

 Live Streaming – increases customer and business interaction, engagement, and communication

 Automation – to track online activity and automatically generate communication and responses from customers and boost productivity.


Is Digital Marketing a threat or a game-changer?

Digital Marketing is a threat to businesses that follow conventional and traditional strategies of marketing but is a game-changing tool for businesses that constantly evolve with changing times and follow modern strategies of online marketing.

Digital Marketing can COMPLETELY transform the identity, foundation, function, and management of your Business. It is very important in today’s dynamic business and management because of the increasing number of businesses, developing corporates, multinational companies (MNCs), novel start-ups, and entrepreneurs. Digital Marketing creates a digital identity of your Business, build an online reputation, and helps the company to surpass competition. The importance of Digital Marketing will continue to increase with time with the world shifting to digitalization and online marketing. It provides an opportunity to communicate and engage with customers, listen to their feedback, offer excellent customer experiences, and ensure customer loyalty and retention.

Communication and interactions are quick, simple, affordable, global, immediate, personalised, uninterrupted, and profitable. This ensures a successful business and increased company revenue.

When will you transform your Business through Digital Marketing?

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