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  • Writer's pictureJane Eva


Keywords are highlighted and important words and phrases that enable a web page or website to be displayed on the first page of a web-based search engine. The ranking on the search engine depends on the relevance, uniqueness, and SEO technique. Ranking based on keywords obtained through SEO is called Organic Searching while ranking based on paid methods to generate keywords is called Affiliate Marketing.

Relevant Keywords can help a new site to rank higher and faster in web-based search engine results and also gain more transparency and trust in search engine results. This helps to get maximum website traffic and views which translates to MORE customers, business engagement, and increased revenue.

The steps to generate appropriate Keywords include:

 Build an initial Keyword List

 Identify and monitor the Competition

 Develop the Keyword List with relevant information, matching phrases, and related descriptions

 Identify and analyse the competitors’ Keyword List in terms of complexity, difficulty, relevance

 Research about less used, uncommon, and unique Keywords

 Use relevant Keywords within web pages and website content


Keyword Research is the process of finding, analysing, and reviewing actual online search terms that people have entered into web-based search engines. They help to build, frame, and manage a content strategy and overall marketing strategy to carry out successful Digital Marketing.

Consistent research is necessary to obtain current and relevant Keywords that are influential, popular, searched the most, trending, and viral to create content for a target audience. It helps to attract and drive online traffic and viewership which lead to an increased number of customers and ultimately, greater revenue and business success. It is very important to understand the current market before beginning the Keyword Research.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the digital process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by enhancing the visibility of a website or web page through online searches made on various web search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo. There are two main types – On-page SEO which involves strategies and methods like keywords, meta description, HTML code, title tags, URL structure, interlinks, and alt tags directly on a website or web page; and Off-page SEO which involves strategies like backlinks, blog optimization, and social media advertising.

SEO is necessary to:

 Enhance visibility

 Increase website position in online search rankings

 Promote Brand visibility

 Enhance content structure and quality

 Incorporate and publish new and upcoming concepts and ideas

Constant analysis, monitoring, review, and updates of SEO trends is essential for simplified and organized advertising, marketing, and promotion of a Brand. It is the foundation of business growth, advertisement and promotion, brand awareness, and product campaigning.


Using accurate and relevant Keywords is important for Digital Marketing because:

 It ensures MORE visibility of online content in search engine results

 It provides MORE traffic to online web pages and websites

 It provides MORE business collaborations and opportunities

 It promotes MORE paid partnerships because of online visibility

 It ensures MORE income from online content

 It ensures MORE authority and control of individual content

 It promotes the ‘get MORE with less’ concept

 It provides MORE recognition and popularity

 It ensures MORE revenue and profit in quick turnaround time

 It ensures MORE steady growth and success in the online business


Keywords are the foundation of online advertising and Digital Marketing. It requires careful and constant analysis, monitoring, review, and frequent updates for the convenient, cost-effective, precise, simple, and organized advertising, campaigning, marketing, and promotion of a Brand or business.

The simplest methods to find Keywords that are easy to rank are:

 Research Keywords that are ideal in terms of length, information, relevance, and simplicity

 Define the relevance and precision of Keywords so that it is related to your business or industry

 Use relevant and accurate Keywords to draw the target audience

 The tool Ubersuggest can find high traffic keywords with a high cost per click value

 The tool Ahrefs can check the popular pages of competitors, view traffic value, and rephrase their posts

 The use of Popups to incorporate essential relevant content into difficult-to-miss text boxes

 Regularly check Google’s Auto Suggest options as these are small hints to what is currently popular and trending around the world

 Remarket using Google and Social Media platforms to increase content views and attract more traffic

 Blog Posts which are informative, relevant, and have creative and original content

 Creative and unique descriptions and information that is unique to your Business – this helps to evade the competition

 Use attractive and appealing graphics and visual media

 Introduce engaging statements that promote Call-to-Action like ‘Register Now!’, ‘Enquire Now!’, ‘Call Us’, etc

 Create Articles and Blogs with a word limit between 1500 to 2000 words for Google to effectively capture and display

 Content that includes the phrases ‘How to…’, ‘Which…’, ‘Why to…’, etc. help to draw maximum online traffic and views

 Manage and maintain Online Reputation – good online reputation attracts more online traffic and views

 Have an interactive Network – to easily share content and build and maintain communication and relationships

 Use Google Ads for relevant and related content and Keywords that can enhance website traffic

 Regularly index the website on Google so that it gets re-indexed continuously through web algorithms – this increases website traffic and improves search results

 Review and monitor the ideal Keyword volume required for online content and published material

 Use Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions to create a simple synopsis of relevant content for the target audience

 Use popular tags like ‘The Best…’, ‘Top 3…’, ‘Top 5’, ‘Top 10…’, etc. as these are VERY STRONG Keywords

 Use Google Search Console to obtain important web page statistics, data, site loading speed, index errors, security breaches, and metrics that are required for monitoring the web page or website

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