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  • Writer's pictureJane Eva


An e-commerce website has several purposes – offering resources and services to the public, providing visitors with their requirements, and MOST importantly, converting them into potential customers. This is called the ‘E-Commerce Conversion Rate’. In order to have an excellent and significant E-Commerce Conversion Rate, it is important to have unique online plans and strategies. This helps to attract viewers, increase online traffic, enhance viewer interest, and increase the chances of purchases. This is similar to a pleasant welcome note – one that pleases customers and encourages them to continue shopping online.

E-commerce websites can include:

 Promotion of basic activities

 Marketing an established business or brand

 Demonstration of sales and services provided

 Sale of apparel and fashion

 Sale of groceries and medications

 Social media advertisements and businesses

A very good E-Commerce Conversion Rate translates to an efficient and reliable website, trustworthy delivery process, quick turnaround time, customer service and satisfaction, and ultimately financial profit and business profit.


An excellent E-Commerce Conversion Rate is very important for the credibility and reputation of a company. It is necessary because:

 It helps to increase the popularity and “fanbase” of a company or website

 It is important to increase the interest of customers

 It increases the curiosity of online customers

 It helps a company or website to stand out from the competition

 It is a measure of profitable traffic on the website

 It helps to measure the dependability of the company or website

 It helps to monitor customer interest and requirements

 It helps to generate reliable leads

 It is a simple method of marketing and promotion

 It increases the organic traffic to a website


Precise E-Commerce Conversion has many advantages:

 Increased number of organic traffic and page viewers

 More on-page clicks

 Increased online traffic

 Helps to reach target audience

 Important to measure and monitor website performance

 More Brand awareness and exposure

 More clicks equal to more finance, income, and revenue

 Increased purchases and sales

 Helps to get more advertisers and sponsors

 Important to launch new businesses and start-ups

 Helps to expand business globally and increase universal access


There are many plans and strategies to convert website visitors into customers for e-commerce websites. The main focus is to create an audience, ensure that they popularize the website, and ultimately increase bounce views towards the website. It helps to increase leads and enhance online marketing, sales, and purchases.

Some of the proven strategies are:

 Short Notes – help to keep customers engaged since long sentences lead to boredom and loss of attention

 Bold Colours and Graphics – help to attract attention and interest to particular information

 Interesting Content – to engage customers and provide them detailed information about the project so that they are aware of the authenticity, genuineness, and reliability of the Brand

 Photography and Themes – help to attract attention, admiration, and interest to particular information

 Use of Logos and Emojis – help to attract attention and interest to particular information and attract the attention and admiration of customers

 Introduction of Coupon Codes and Referral Bonuses to first-time visitors – helps to increase popularity and spread the message to other media and social platforms

 Provision of Freebies – to keep customers engaged, increase popularity, and enhance promotion among peers

 Creating Popups – this helps to increase customer attention and awareness about a Brand

 Advertisements on Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn – this helps to increase public views and to advertise and promote a Brand

 Website Optimization – to constantly engage website visitors so that they will be attracted to offers and sales

 Optimized Mobile Design – for the enhanced and satisfactory experience of mobile phone and tablet users


An e-commerce website has several purposes but the MOST important feature is having a good ‘E-Commerce Conversion Rate’. The primary goal of this is to attract, impress, and please the customers and encourage them to continue shopping online. Constant improvement, planning experimentation, and trial and error is required to draw visitors to a website and ultimately convert visitors to reliable and loyal customers. There is plenty of competition so the RIGHT tools and strategies are needed to set a web page apart from the crowd.

The above tips may help to create a dynamic and optimized website that has attractive and good quality written and visual content, delivers value, increases website traffic, satisfies customers, expands the business, and increases revenue. In case customers leave, strategies can be formed to recover and regain lost visitors.

Go ahead, try it out!

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