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  • Writer's pictureJane Eva



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the digital process of enhancing and improving the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or web page through various web search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo. It includes the improvement of unpaid results and does not involve direct traffic, purchases, and paid advertisements. On-page SEO involves strategies and methods like keywords, meta description, SSL/HTTPS, HTML code, title tags, URL structure, interlinks, and alt tags directly on a website or web page. This On-site Optimization helps to enhance visibility, improve website position in search rankings, content quality, page performance, and content structure. Off-page SEO involves strategies like backlinks, domain authority, blog optimization, and social media advertising to enhance visibility, improve website position in search rankings, and page performance of the website. These are popular Content Marketing methods and strategies.

Business-to-Business or ‘B2B’ SEO involves techniques to increase the chances of making a business website appear in the search engine result pages when potential clients search for a keyword relevant to the business. This helps to optimize the page so that the business website gets plenty of visibility for work-related purposes. Business-to-Consumer or ‘B2C’ SEO involves techniques used to increase the chances of making a business website appear in the search engine result pages directly to a consumer through attractive content and important and necessary products and services.


The role of SEO is pivotal in ensuring brand or company visibility and popularity. This is because:

 SEO helps to increase leads and potential customers

 It is very economical as it does not involve additional costs and payments

 It helps to increase the visibility of the brand to the online audience

 It helps to ensure high-quality website traffic through filtering of results

 It helps to build trust and credibility in the Brand

 It helps to ensure optimized and positive user experience to benefit the customer

 SEO ensures easy, fast, and convenient building of client contacts which translates to better performance

 It encourages more transactions and purchases which will help to build the economy and revenue of the Brand

 It keeps potential clients updated with the current global necessities and requirements

 It ensures a very high return of interest (ROI)


SEO strategies have been used as a tool to enhance the performance and visibility of a website or web page. It helps to track website trends and design strategies for improvement. Website or web page performance can be detected and monitored through different analytic methods:

 Ranking of Keywords

 Backlink checks for quality and quantity

 Measurement of Citation and Trust Flow

 Domain Authority

 Analysis of organic search traffic with Google Analytics

 Time duration analysis of website or web page

 Measurement of Bounce Rate

 Monitoring of mobile search traffic

 Analysis of Click Through Rate (CTR)

 Measurement of Return Visitors


SEO is essential for simplified and organized advertising, marketing, and promotion of a Brand. It plays a crucial role in business growth, brand awareness, and product campaigning and marketing. This is because:

 It helps to build the identity, familiarity, goals, and reputation of a Brand

 It helps to enhance Brand Awareness and PR, and Marketing Campaign Goals

 It ensures that the business product reaches many customers which will ultimately help to build and grow the Company. This is among the Goals and Key Performance Indicator for B2B and B2C SEO

 Provides accurate and precise information immediately and prevents wastage of time in searching and browsing irrelevant websites and web pages

 Constant analysis and monitoring help to create content that is necessary and required immediately

 Content is analysed according to the latest global trends to ensure that available data is legitimate and relevant

 It helps to strengthen Brand confidence, trust, and credibility which help to increase customer loyalty

 It helps to boost Pay per Click (PPC)

 Technical audits and ranking data help to monitor website activity so that additional measures can be taken to boost performance

 Cross functionality and teamwork with a designer, content writer, SEO analyst, and engineer help to produce profitable and rich content

 It encourages brand recognition and familiarity

 More leads and online traffic get converted to increased revenue and economy

Global and international promotion is enhanced which helps to bring in online traffic from foreign countries


SEO has indeed lived to its promise of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic, improving the website position in search rankings, and enhancing website or web page to increase and multiply company sales and revenue. There are many differences between B2B SEO and B2C SEO but the ultimate goal and mission is to boost the identity, reputation, and business of a Brand and increase the number of leads. Both B2B SEO and B2C SEO should constantly identify and evaluate strategies to ensure improvement, popularity, and success. The goals of the Brand should be efficiently translated into meaningful and relevant content on the website or web page. The requirements of the stakeholders – both Business or Individual Consumer should be considered and personalized SEO strategies should be implemented to promote successful marketing and ensure a successful and satisfactory customer experience.

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