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  • Writer's pictureJane Eva

Apps that act as a saviour in our lives

Updated: Feb 13, 2020


Mobiles have become so integral in our lives such that our day never starts or never ends without seeing the mobile. The first thing every morning we do is to check our mobiles for any notifications. We are so much hooked to our mobiles such that probably the last thing we do is to check our mobiles before slipping into sleep.

In olden days mobiles which were only limited to connectivity have seen a paradigm shift over the years.The advent of smartphones and apps changed the whole concept of connectivity. Once a mobile which was just a meagre calling device; has become into a powerful device that is capable to perform multiple tasks flawlessly. Mobiles are capable to perform numerous tasks like Banking, Shopping, Emails, Social Networking etc and the list is never-ending

How Apps changed our lives?

The smartphone apps have revolutionized the whole service sector and have given a new face to it.Mobile apps are designed and developed specifically to perform specific tasks.The diversity of mobile apps has made life so easier that everything and anything is possible at the fingertips. The mobile apps today are capable to do all the tasks within seconds.

The recent statistics from the global surveys show that nearly 87% of the people spend their time on mobile apps. Nearly about $856 billion revenue is generated by the shopping apps across the globe. The stats also show that the conversion rates were three times more through mobile apps when compared to normal conversion rates. The experts feel that by the year 2021 the mobile commerce rates sales will eclipse $1 trillion worldwide.

Apps and Business


Smartphone apps have even made their way into new business ventures and development opportunities. The mobile reachability is so large that every organisation today is targeting mobile users with their apps to increase their customer base. The global stats say that the organisations that were targeted at mobile phone users performed well in the business when compared to others.

The availability of mobile apps has made a noticeable change in the way we feel and experience computing. A few years ago, we were completely dependent on the computers to check our emails, but today everything is changed because all the tasks that were limited to computers are now carried out by smartphones.

Starting from consumer goods to daily provisions everything is available at your fingertips and we depend on apps for everything. There are dedicated apps for everything like; food, housing, education, travel, shopping,rental needs, healthcare etc. The apps are powerful enough that the tasks are done flawlessly without any glitches by giving an impressive user experience throughout the usage journey.

With the advent of mobiles, the businesses have shifted their focus towards the development of apps. Many businesses are reaching out to the best app development companies in the market for the development of the apps according to their business needs. The key business players are; E-commerce Companies, Educational Institutions (Schools and Colleges), government agencies and the list go on.

The paradigm shift in Shopping

The market dynamics have completely changed with the flourishment of E-Commerce companies. Customers are shifting from offline to online platforms for commodities and services by installing online shopping apps on their phones. The preference is given more for online platforms when compared to offline. The dependency on mobile-based marketing has increased due to the fast-paced lives. Nobody has time to visit the shops and buy their stuff. Since everything is available online at the finger tips everybody prefers online shopping rather than offline shopping.

Apps Making Life Easy

Imagine buying a train ticket on the go, this is something our ancestors never imagined or did. Imagine not going to the bank but still transfer the money to the loved ones. All thanks to the powerful apps developed by the app developers working in the best app development companies.No matter whatever you want there are best app developers to make your lives simple and stress-free. The demand for apps is so high that even Banks and Government agencies are coming up with powerful apps for providing uninterrupted services to the people.

Apps Creating Revolution in Educational Sector


If we take educational institutions like schools and colleges, many of them have their apps that give a complete performance report of the children to their parents in just a tap. Every parent is always concerned about their child’s safety and performance. They expect to gain access to the real-time data of the child’s safety and performance. It may be not possible for them to visit the school and monitor their children daily, but the apps can make this possible. The parents of today expect all the schools to provide the app-based amenities to get their children admitted to the schools

Some international schools have developed dedicated apps for parents. Using these apps, the parents can monitor their children’s performance on real-time bases. These apps are capable to give instant notifications about the attendance, academic performance reports, marks cards, academic announcements and many more. These apps are also capable to track the school vans in which their kids are travelling. The apps are so powerful such that every single step of the child can be monitored and in case of emergency; immediate assistance is given instantly.

Apps: The Future business drivers

The app-based market has seen a huge rise in recent years; a few years ago, Flipkart which started its journey as a small e-commerce company with humble beginnings today has developed into a million-dollar company. There are many examples like Flipkart ; those which started as a small company have raised to greater heights and turned into MNCs. Some of the best examples are; PayTm, Zomato, Swiggy and many more. The PayTm completely revolutionized the banking sector such a way that we can transfer our money anytime any where with just one tap.

The scenario today is such that no business can sustain without having apps of their own. The customers today expect the availability of the app to engage in any business. The situation was quite different a few years ago, the trust factor for new business was based on the availability of the official website. Now the scenario is changed to get a business deal the organisation should have a dedicated app available in both play store and apple store.

Today many app development companies have the expertise and technology for developing the fully functional apps for organisations. The top app development companies are capable to develop fully functional and customizable according to requirements. Organisations can reach out to the best app development companies for developing an app for their own and create an impact by providing an innovative, user-friendly and app-friendly experience for the customers.

Today,the apps act as a lifeline for any business and it has become a mandatory asset for any organisation to have an app to gain the customer trust and stay in business.

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